Professor Ole A. Sæther: List of Publications
- Sæther, O. A. 1962. Larval overwintering cocoons in Endochironomus tendens Fabricius. Hydrobiologia 20: 377-381.
- Sæther, O. A. 1963. Østensjøvann. Biologi og miljøfaktorer i en grunn, kulturpåvirket sjø. (Østensjøvann. Biology and environmental factors in a shallow, eutrophied lake). Unpublished graduation thesis in Limnology at the University of Oslo. 448 typewritten pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1965. Limnology, pp. 9-72 in Brun, E., O. A. Høeg & O. A. Sæther: Østensjøvannet. Østlandske natvfor. småskr. 7: 1-111.
- Sæther, O. A. 1966. Hydrachnellae from North Boulder Creek, Colorado, with descriptions of Sperchon glandulosus coloradensis n. subsp. and Lebertia (Pseudolebertia ) atelodon n. sp. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 61: 500-514.
- Sæther, O. A. 1966. Copidosoma (Litomastix ) naevia n.sp. A new Encyrtinae from Colorado (Chalcidoidea: Hymenoptera). Entomological News 77: 103-110.
- Sæther, O. A. 1966. A description of a new subspecies of Diplocladius cultriger Kieff. (imago and pupa) and a new pupa of the Eukiefferiella brevicalcar type (Diptera, Chironomidae). Norsk Entomologiskl Tidsskrift 14: 176-182.
- Sæther, O. A. 1967. Notes on the bottom fauna of two small lakes in Northern Norway. Mag. Zool. 14:96-124.
- Sæther, O. A. 1967. Notes on some Nearctic chironomid larvae. Entomological News. 78: 197-208.
- Sæther, O. A. 1967. Descriptions of Lasiodiames abipectinata spec. nov. and Parochlus kiefferi (Garrett) Brundin. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Beiträge der Entomologie 17: 235- 249.
- Sæther, O. A. 1967. Variation within immature stages of Chaoborus flavicans. (Meig.) (syn. Chaoborus alpinus Peus syn. nov). Int. rev. ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 52: 573-587.
- Sæther, O. A. 1968. Ferskvannsinsekter og arachnider i Sportsfiskernes leksikon. Ca. 20 pp. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag ca. 2000 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1968. Chironomids of the Finse area, Norway, with special reference to their distribution in glacier brook. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 64: 426-483.
- Hamilton, A. L., Sæther, O. A. & Oliver, D. R. 1969. A classification of the Nearctic Chironomidae. Report of the Fisheries Research Board Canada 124: 1-42.
- Sæther, O. A. 1969. Some Nearctic Podonominae, Diamesinae and Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 170, 154 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1970. Nearctic and Palaearctic Chaoborus (Diptera: Chaoboridae). Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 174, 57 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1970. A survey of the bottom fauna in lakes of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Techn. Report of the Fisheries Research Board Canada 196: 1-41.
- Elgmork, K. & Sæther O. A. 1970. Distribution of invertebrates in a high mountain brook in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Univ. Colorado Stud. Ser. Biol. 31: 56-114.
- Sæther, O. A. 1970. Chironomids and other invertebrates from North Boulder Creek, Colorado. Univ. Colorado Stud. Ser. Biol. 31: 56-114.
- Sæther, O. A. 1971. Nomenclature and phylogeny of the genus Harnischia Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Canadian Entomologist 103: 347-362.
- Hamilton, A. L. & Sæther, O. A. 1971. The occurrence of characteristic deformities in the chironomid larvae of several Canadian lakes. Canadian Entomologist 103: 363-368.
- Sæther, O. A. 1971. Phytoplankton and zooplankton of some lakes in northeastern Norway. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 33: 200- 220.
- Sæther, O. A. 1971. Notes on general morphology and terminology of the Chironomidae (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist 103: 1237-1260.
- Sæther, O. A. 1971. Four new and unusual Chironomidae(Diptera). Canadian Entomologist 103: 1799-1827.
- Sæther, O. A. 1972. VI. Chaoboridae. In: Zooplankton der Binnengewässer 26: 257-280.
- Sæther, O. A. & McLean, M. P. 1972. A survey of the bottom fauna in Wood, Kalamalka and Skaha Lakes in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Techn. Report of the Fisheries Research Board Canada 342: 1-20.
- Sæther, O. A. 1973. Four species of Bryophaenocladius Thien., with notes on other Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Canadian Entomologist 105: 51-60.
- Sæther, O. A. 1973. Taxonomy and ecology of three new species of Monodiamesa Kieffer, with keys to Nearctic and Palaearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30: 665-679.
- Sæther, O. A. 1974. Morphology and terminology of female genitalia in Chironomidae (Diptera). Entomologisk Tidskrift Supplement 95: 216-223.
- Sæther, O. A. 1975. Two new species of Heterotanytarsus Spärck with keys to Nearctic and Palaearctic males and pupae of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32: 259-270.
- Sæther, O. A. 1975. Two new, Nearctic species Protanypus Kieffer with keys to Nearctic and Palaearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32: 367-388.
- Sæther, O. A. 1975. Nearctic and Palaearctic Heterotrissocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae). Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 193. 67 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1975 Twelve new species of Limnophyes Eaton, with keys to Nearctic males of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Canadian Entomologist 107: 1029-1056.
- Sæther, O. A. 1975. Nearctic chironomids as indicators of lake typology. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 19: 3127- 3133.
- Sæther, O. A. 1976. Two species of Chaoborus Licht. from Venezuela (Diptera: Chaoboridae). Acta Biol. Venezuelica 9: 195-212.
- Sæther, O. A. 1976. Revision of Hydrobaenus Fries, Trissocladius Kieffer, Zalutschia Lipina, Paratrissocladius Zavrel and some related genera (Diptera: Chironomidae). Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 195, 287 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1977. Taxonomic studies on Chironomidae: Nanocladius, Pseudochironomus, and the Harnischia complex. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 196,143 pp. 37.
- Sæther, O. A. 1977. Female genitalia in Chironomidae and other Nematocera: morphology, phylogenies, keys. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 197. 211 pp. 38.
- Rosenberg, D. M., Wiens, A. P.,& Sæther, O. A. 1977. Life histories of Cricotopus (Cricotopus ) bicinctus Meigen and Cricotopus (Cricotopus ) mackenziensis Oliver (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Ft. Simpson area, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34: 247-253.
- Rosenberg, D. M., Wiens, A. P. & Sæther, O. A. 1977. Response to crude oil contamination by Cricotopus (Cricotopus ) bicinctus (Meigen) and Cricotopus (Cricotopus) mackenziensis Oliver (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Ft. Simpson area, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34: 254-261.
- Sæther, O. A. 1977. Habrobaenushudsoni n. gen. n. sp., and the immatures of Baeoctenusbicolor Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34: 2354-2361.
- Brundin, L. & Sæther, O. A. 1978. Buchonomyia burmanica n. sp. and Buchonomyiinae, a new subfamily among the Chironomidae (Diptera). Zoologica Scripta 7: 269-275.
- Sæther, O. A. 1978. Fylogenetisk og taksonomisk verdi av hungenitalia innen chironomider og andre Nematocera. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 25: 85-86.
- Sæther, O. A. (ed.). 1979. Recent developments in chironomid studies (Diptera: Chironomidae). A tribute to Professor Lars Brundin, Stockholm from his many friends and colleagues. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 10, 150 pp. 44.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Workshop on Chironomidae - Introduction. 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Winnipeg, Man., May 10, 1978. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 10: 15-16.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Hierarchy of the Chironomidae with special emphasis on the female genitalia (Diptera). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 10: 17-26.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Paracladopelma doris(Town.) (Syn. "Cryptochironomus " near rollei (Sæther 1977 n. syn. and Paracladopelma rollei (Kirpichenko) n. comb. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 10: 117-118.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Chironomid communities as water quality indicators. Holarctic Ecology 2: 65-74.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. A letter from the editor. Fauna norv. B 26:1
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Underlying synapomorphies and anagenetic analysis. Zoologica Scripta 8: 305-312.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. Underliggende synapomorfi og enestående innvendig parallellisme belyst ved eksempler fra Chironomidae og Chaoboridae (Diptera) (Norwegian with English summary). Entomologisk Tidskrift 100: 173-180.
- Sæther, O. A. 1979. New name for Beckiella Sæther 1977 (Chironomidae: Diptera) nec Beckiella Grandjean 1964 (Oribatei: Acari). Entomologica Scandinavica 10: 315.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. Three female chironomid genitalia (Diptera) Pp. 115-121. In: Murray, D. A. (ed.) Chironomidae. Ecology, Systematics, Cytology and Physiology. Proceedings of the VII International Chironomid Symposium. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. Glossary of chironomid morphology terminology (Chironomidae: Diptera). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 14, 51 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. The influence of eutrophication on deep lakes benthic invertebrate communities. Progress in Water Technology12 (2): 161-180.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. The females and immatures of Paracricotopus Thienemann and Harnisch, 1932, with the description of a new species (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 2: 129-145.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. New name for Oliveria Sæther, 1976 (Diptera: Chironomidae) nec Oliveria Sutherland, 1965 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa), with a first record for the European continent. Entomologica Scandinavica 11: 399-400.
- Sæther, O. A. 1980. The female and immatures of Trissocladius brevipalpis Kieffer, 1908 (Chironomidae: Diptera). Entomologica Scandinavica 11: 467-472.
- Sæther, O. A. &, Galloway, T. D. 1980. Sexual anomalies in Chironomini (Chironomidae: Diptera) from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba. With observations on mermithid (Nematoda) parasites. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Biologia 1978: 193-211.
- Raddum, G. & Sæther, O. A. 1981. Chironomid communities in Norwegian lakes with different degree of acidification. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 21: 399-450
- Sæther, O. A. & Halvorsen, G. 1981. Diagnoses of Tvetenia Kieff. emend., Dratnalia n. gen., and Eukiefferiella Thien. emend., with a phylogeny of the Cardiocladius group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 15: 269-285
- Sæther, O. A. 1981. Doncricotopus bicaudatus n. gen. n. sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Northwest Territories, Canada. Entomologica Scandinavica 12: 223-229
- Sæther, O. A. 1981. Compteromesa oconeensis gen. n., sp. n. a new Prodiamesinae (Chironomidae: Diptera) from South Carolina. Aquatic Insects 3: 193-198.
- Sæther, O. A. 1981. Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the British West Indies, with descriptions of Antillocladius n. gen., Lipurometriocnemus n. gen. Compterosmittia n. gen. and Diplosmittia n. gen. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 16: 1-46.
- Cranston, P. S. & Sæther, O. A. 1982. A redefinition of Acamptocladius Brundin (Syn. Phycoidella Sæth. n. syn.) (Diptera: Chironomidae) with the description of a new species. Entomologica Scandinavica 13: 25-32.
- Halvorsen, G. A., Willassen, E. & Sæther, O. A. 1982. Chironomidae (Dipt.) from Ekse, Western Norway. Fauna norvegica, serie B. 29:115-121.
- Sæther, O. A. 1982. Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from S.E. USA, with descriptions of Plhudsonia, Unniella, Platysmittia n. genera and Atelopodella n. subgen. Entomologica Scandinavica 13: 465-510.
- Sæther, O. A. & Sublette, J. E. 1983. A review of the genera Doithrix n. gen., Georthocladius Strenzke, Parachaetocladius Walker, and Pseudorthocladius Goetghebuer (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 20, 100 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. Three new species of Lopescladius Oliveira, 1967 (syn. "Cordites" Brundin 1966, n. syn.) with a phylogeny of the Parakiefferiella group. Mem. Am. ent. Soc. 34: 279-298.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. McAlpine et al. (eds.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera. - Book review. - Entomologia Generalis 9: 120.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. Oschia dorsenna n. gen.,n.sp. and Saetheria hirta n. sp., two members of the Harnischia complex (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 14: 395-404.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. The canalized evolutionary potential: inconsistencies in phylogenetic reasoning. Systematic Zoology 32: 343-359.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. A review of Holarctic Gymnometriocnemus Goetghebuer, 1932, with the description of Raphidocladius subgen. n. and Sublettiella gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 5: 209-226.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. 6. The larvae of Buchonomyiinae (Diptera Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 1. Larvae. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 19: 113.
- Sæther, O. A. 1983. 8. The larvae of Prodiamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnose. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 1. Larvae. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 19: 141-147.
- Cranston, P. S., Oliver, D. R. & Sæther, O. A. 1983. 9. The larvae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 1. Larvae. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 19: 149-291.
- Sæther, O. A. 1984. The immatures of Antillocladius Sæther 1981 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 6: 1-6.
- Sæther, O. A. 1984. Taksonomisk presisjon - en nødvendig integrert del av benthos-økologiske studier.- Limnos 2: 1-14.
- Sæther, O. A., Sublette, J. E. & Willassen, E. 1984. Chironomidae (Diptera) from the 2nd Fram Expedition (1898 -1902) to Arctic North America described by J. J. Kieffer. Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 249-275.
- Sæther, O. A. 1984. Male and female imagines of Platysmittia bilyji n. sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Manitoba, Canada. Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 527-531.
- Sæther, O. A. 1984. Heleniella parva sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae from South Carolina and Tennessee, USA. Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 532-535.
- Sæther, O. A. 1984. Apometriocnemus fontinalis gen. n. sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Tennessee, USA. Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 536-539.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. Limnophye ser sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae from Finland, with new Nearctic records of previously described species. Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 540-544.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. Redefinition and review of Thienemannia Kieffer 1909 (Diptera: Chironomidae), with the description of T. pilinucha sp. n. Aquatic insects: 7: 111- 138.
- Sæther, O. A. & Willassen, E. 1985 The first record of Protanypus pseudomorio Makarchenko (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Nearctic, with a description of the female and a key to males of the genus. Aquatic Insects 7: 141-148.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. The females of Compteromesa oconeensis Sæther, 1981, and Prodiamesaolivacea (Meigen, 1818) (syn. Trichodiamesa autumnalis Goethgebuer, 1926, n. syn.) (Diptera, Chironomidae, Prodiamesinae). Spixiana Supplement 11: 7-13.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. A review of Odontomesa Pagast, 1947 (Diptera, Chironomidae, Prodiamesinae). Spixiana Supplement 11: 15-29.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. Trichochilus, a new genus of Orthocladiinae (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana Supplement 11: 31-36.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. The imagines of Mesosmittia Brundin, 1956, with the description of seven new species (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana Supplement 11: 37-54.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. Diplosmittia carinata spec. nov. from Michigan (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana Supplement 11: 55- 57.
- Sæther, O. A. 1985. A review of the genus Rheocricotopus Thienemann & Harnisch, 1932, with the description of three new species (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana, Supplement 11: 59-108.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. Fjærmygg. Årb. Bergen Jeger Fisker-forening. 1984-85:37-43.
- Cranston, P. S.& Sæther, O. A. 1986. Rheosmittia (Diptera: Chironomidae): a generic validation and revision of the western Palaearctic species. J. nat. Hist. 20: 31-51.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. The myth of objectivity - post-Hennigian deviations. Cladistics 2: 1-13.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. On the systematic positions of Dolichoprymna, Amblycladius and Kloosia (Diptera: Chironomidae). Abstract of the First International Congress of Dipterology (ISBN 963 7251 626): 215.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. Prof.fil.dr.Hans Kauri 80. Rahvuslik Kontakt 2 (110): 29.35.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. The pupae of Buchonomyiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Diagnosis. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 28: 115-117.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. The pupae of Prodiamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.) Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 28: 139-145.
- Coffman, W. P., Cranston, P. S., Oliver, D. R., & Sæther, O. A. 1986. The pupae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 28: 147-296.
- Sæther, O. A. Fylogenetikk. Naturen. 1986(3): 88-95.
- Sæther, O. A. 1986. Gir neodarwinismen en tilfredsstillende forklaring på evolusjonen? Naturen 1986(6): 221-22.
- Sæther, O. A. (ed.). 1987. A conspectus of contemporary studies in Chironomidae (Diptera). Contributions from the IXth International Symposium on Chironomidae. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 29, 393 pp. 102.
- Sæther, O. A., Willassen, E. & Halvorsen, G. A. 1987. The IXth International Symposium on Chironomidae, Bergen, Norway, 1985. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 29: 5-7.
- Sæther, O. A. & Willassen, E. 1987. Four new species of Diamesa Meigen, 1835. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the glaciers of Nepal. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 29: 189-203.
- Halvorsen, G. A. & Sæther, O. A. 1987. Redefinition and revision of the genus Tokunagaia Sæther, 1973 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 29: 173-188.
- Sæther, O. A. 1987. Nye ideer innen evolusjonsteori. Naturen 1987: 138-144.
- Ferrington, L. C. Jr. & Sæther, O. A. 1987. Male, female and pupa of Oliveridia hugginsi n. sp. (Chironomidae: Diptera) from Kansas. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 60: 451-461.
- Sæther, O. A. 1988. Diplosmittia recisus spec. nov. from Peru (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana Supplement 14: 45-47.
- Schnell, Ø. A. & Sæther, O. A. 1988. Vivacricotopus, a new genus of Orthocladiinae from Norway (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana, Supplement 14: 49-55.
- Sæther, O. A. & Schnell, Ø. A. 1988. Heterotrissocladius brundini spec. nov. from Norway (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana, Supplement 14: 57-64.
- Sæther, O. A. & Schnell, Ø. A. 1988. Two new species of the Rheocricotopus (R.) effusus group (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana, Supplement 14: 65-74.
- Sæther, O. A. & Willassen, E. 1988. A review of Lappodiamesa Serra Tosio, with the description of L. boltoni spec. nov. from Ohio, USA (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana Supplement 14: 75-84.
- Sæther, O. A. 1988. On the limitations of parsimony in phylogenetic analysis. Quaestiones Entomologicae 24: 45-50.
- Sæther, O. A. 1989. Metriocnemus van der Wulp: a new species and a revision of species described by Meigen, Zetterstedt, Stæger, Holmgren, Lundstrøm and Strenzke (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 19: 393-430.
- Sæther, O. A. 1989. Two new species of Hydrobaenus Fries from Massachusetts, USA, and Japan (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 20: 55-63.
- Sæther, O. A. 1989. The adult males of Buchonomyiinae Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic Region. Keys and diagnoses. Part 3. Adult males. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 34: 125-127.
- Sæther, O. A. 1989. The adult males of Prodiamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region - Keys and diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Keys and diagnoses. Part 3. Adult males. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 34: 155-163.
- Cranston, P. S., Oliver, D. R. & Sæther, O. A. 1989. The adult males of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region-Keys and diagnoses. In: T. Wiederholm (ed.): Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Keys and diagnoses. Part 3. Adult males. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 34: 165-352
- Sæther, O. A. 1990. Redescription of Chaetocladius glacialis (Lundstrøm 1915) comb. nov. Aquatic Insects12: 61-64.
- Sæther, O. A. 1990. Midges and the electronic Ouija board. The phylogeny of the Hydrobaenus group revised (Chironomidae, Diptera). Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutions-forschung 28:107-136.
- Sæther, O. A. 1990. A review of the genus Limnophyes Eaton from the Holarctic and Afrotropical regions (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 35:1-139.
- Sæther, O. A. 1990. A revision of the Neotropical types described as Spaniotoma (Limnophyes ) by Edwards, 1931, with the description of Edwardsidia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 21:305-319.
- Sæther, O. A. 1989. Phylogenetic trends and their evaluation in chironomids with special reference to orthoclads. Acta biologica Debrecina, Suppl., Oecologica Hungarica 2:53-75.
- Sæther, O. A. 1990. De naturhistoriske universitetsmuseer som kunnskapsprodusenter og informanter. Museum 90:158-162.
- Sæther, O. A. 1991. McAlpine, J. M. (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 2 - Book review. Entomologica 16:38.
- Sæther, O. A. 1991. McAlpine, J. M. (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 3 - Book review. Entomologica 16:310-311.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. Ferris, J. M. et al. (eds). Biology of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica.- Book Review. Entomologica 17:80.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. First Palaearctic record of the orthoclad genus Plhudsonia Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 22:379-384.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. First Nearctic record of the orthoclad genus Tavastia Tuiskunen (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 22:385-388.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. Sober, E. Reconstructing the past: parsimony, evolution and inference. - Book review. Entomologia Generalis 17(2).
- Chang, P. S. S., Cobb, D. G., Flannagan, J. F. & Sæther, O. A. 1992. The oligochaetes from the 1969 Lake Winnipeg baseline study. Canadian data report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 869, 35 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. Redescription of Cryophila lapponica Bergroth (Diptera: Chaoboridae) and the phylogenetic relationship of the chaoborid genera. Aquatic Insects 14:121, 193-194.
- Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 1992. Euryhapsis fuscipropes sp. n. from China and Tokyobrilliaanderseni sp. n. from Tanzania, with a review of genera near Irisobrillia Oliver (Diptera: Chironomidae) Annals de Limnologie 28: 209-223.
- Amakye, J. S. & Sæther, O. A. 1992. The immatures and imagines of the Afrotropical species Microtendipes lentiginosus and Collartomyia hirsuta Goetghebuer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 23:429-442.
- Sæther, O. A. 1992. Heterotrissocladius boltoni sp. n. a new orthoclad from vernal pools and stream in Ohio, USA (Diptera: Chironomidae). Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 26: 191-196.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1993. Lerheimia, a new genus of Orthocladiinae from Africa (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana 16: 105-112.
- Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 1993. Xiaomyia, Shangomyia, and Zhouomyia, three new and unusual genera of Chironomini from Oriental China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 24: 185-195.
- Sæther, O. & Wang, X. 1993. A new species of the "marine" genus Thalassosmittia Strenzke & Remmert from Xizang ( Tibet), China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 24: 211-214.
- Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 1993. Limnophyes Eaton from China, with the description of five new species (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 24: 215-226.
- Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 1993. First Palaearctic and Oriental records of the orthoclad genus Antillocladius Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 24: 227-230.
- Chang, P. S. S., Cobb, D. G., Flannagan, J. F. & Sæther, O. A. 1993. The aquatic insects from the 1969 Lake Winnipeg baseline survey. Canadian data report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 897, 77 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1993. Lobosmittia, a new genus of orthoclads from Tanzania and Turkey (Diptera: Chironomidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 136: 283-287.
- Sæther, O. A. & Ferrington, L. C. Jr. 1993. Redescription of Prosmittia jemtlandica (Brundin, 1947), with a review of the genus. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66: 257-262.
- Amakye, J. S. & Sæther, O. A. 1993. Redescription of the Afrotropical Henrardia quadrispinosa Goetghebuer and Dicrotendipes multispinosus (Freeman) (Diptera, Chironomidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66: 263-273.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1994. Usumbaromyia nigrala gen. n., sp. n., and Usumbaromyiinae, a new subfamily among the Chironomidae (Diptera). Aquatic Insects 16: 21-29.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1994. Colosmittia clavata gen. n., sp. n., a new orthoclad from the Usumbara Mts, Tanzania (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66: 439- 443.
- Chang, P. S. S, Cobb, D. G., Flannagan, J. F. & Sæther, O. A. 1994. Light trap collections of mayflies, caddisflies and chironomids from Lake Winnipeg during 1969 and 1971. Canadian data report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2223, 27 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1995. Ionthosmittia caudiga n. gen. n. sp., a new orthoclad from the Usumbara Mts, Tanzania (Diptera Chironomidae). Tropical Zoology 8: 197-202.
- Ferrington, L. C. Jr. & Sæther, O. A. 1995. Physoneura, a new genus of Orthocladiinae from Patagonia and South Chile (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 17: 57-63.
- Sæther, O. A. 1995. Metriocnemus van der Wulp: Seven new species, revision of type material and new records (Diptera: Chironomidae). Annals de Limnologie 31: 35-64.
- Ferrington, L. C.Jr. & Sæther, O. A. 1995. Afrotropical species of Parakiefferiella Thienemann, with a review of chironomids with palpal projections (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 369-377 in: P. S Cranston (ed.); Midges: from genes to ecotypes. CSIRO, Canberra, 482 pp.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1995. The first record of Buchonomyia Fittkau and the subfamily Buchonomyiinae from the New World (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 363-367 in: P. S. Cranston (ed.): Chironomids: from genes to ecotypes. CSIRO, Canberra, 482 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1995. Current chironomid research at University of Bergen ( Norway). Chironomus 7: 18-21.
- Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 1995. Revision of the genus Paraphaenocladius Thienemann, 1924 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 45, 69 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1995. Bavarismittia reissi gen. nov., spec. nov., a new orthoclad from Germany (Diptera: Chironomidae). Spixiana 18: 267-270.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1996. New species and records of Baerdius Sublette et Sasa (Diptera: Chironomidae). Annals de Limnologie 32: 33-44.
- Sæther, O. A. 1996. Revolusjon i systematisk zoologi - og noen glimt fra et ferskvannsentomologisk prosjekt i Ghana.- Årb. Bergen Museum 1995: 50-55.
- Sæther, O. A. 1996. Chaoboridae - Svevemygg. Pp. 196-198 In: Aagaard, K. & Dolmen D. (eds). Limnofauna norvegica. Katalog over norsk ferskvannsfauna. Tapir, Trondheim, 310 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. & Kristoffersen, L. 1996. Chironomids with "M-fork". A reevaluation of the wing venation of the Corynoneura group (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana 19: 229-232.
- Sæther, O. A. 1996. Afrotropical records of the orthoclad genus Mesosmittia Brundin (Diptera: Chironomidae). Spixiana 19: 289-292.
- Sæther, O. A. 1996. Morphological adaptations of adult tropical chironomids (abstract). Proceedings of the XX International Congress of Entomology, p.346.
- Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 1996. Revision of the orthoclad genus Propsilocerus Kieffer (=Tokunagayusurika Sasa ) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 27: 441-479.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1996. First Afrotropical records of the genera Doithrix Sæther et Sublette and Georthocladius Strenzke (Toyamayusurika Sasa et Kawai, syn. n.) (Diptera: Chironomidae), with new combinations in the Pseudorthocladius group. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139: 243-256.
- Andersen, T. & O. A. Sæther. 1997. First record of Manoa Fittkau and the tribus Pseudochironomini Sæther from the Afrotropical region (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae). Entomologica Scandinavica 28: 311-317.
- Sæther, O. A. & Ferrington, L. C. Jr. 1997. A review of the genus Semiocladius Sublette & Wirth (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 19: 219-236.
- Sæther, O. A. 1997. Diptera Chaoboridae, phantom midges. Pp. 149-161 in: Nilsson, A. (ed.): Aquatic insects of NW Europe. A taxonomic Handbook. Volume 2. Odonata- Diptera. Apollo, Stenstrup, 440 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1997. 2.17. Family Chaoboridae. Pp. 305-317 in: Papp, L. and Darvas, B. (eds): Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera (with special reference to the flies of economic importance).- Science Herald, Budapest, 592 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 1997. 2.18. Family Corethrellidae. Pp. 319-323 in: Papp, L. and Darvas, B. (eds): Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera (with special reference to the flies of economic importance).- Science Herald, Budapest, 592 pp.
- Adam, J. I. & Sæther, O. A. 1997. A new species of Paranilothauma from Costa Rica with a tentative phylogeny of Nilothauma Kieffer and related genera. Abstracts of the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae: 3. ISBN 3-00-001864-6.
- Bjørlo, A., Vårdal, H. & Sæther, O. A. 1997. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the subgenus Tripodura Townes of the genus Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Abstracts of the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae: 9. ISBN 3-00-001864-6.
- Ekrem, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1997. Seppia, a new Afrotropical tanytarsini genus (Diptera: Chironomidae. Abstracts of the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae: 25. ISBN 3-00-001864-6.
- Kyerematen, R.A., Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1997. Species groups in Rheotanytarsus with a review of the R. distinctissimus group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Abstracts of the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae: 66. ISBN 3-00-001864-6.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1997. Djalmabatista reidei (Freeman) comb. n. and Lepidopelopia annulator (Goethgebuer), two interesting macropelopine tanypods from Ghana (Diptera: Chironomidae). Abstracts of the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae: 107. ISBN 3-00-001864-6.
- Sæther, O. A. 1997. First description of the imagines and pupa of Propsilocerus jacuticus (Zvereva) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 43: 241-249.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 1998. Friederia, a new Afrotropical tanytarsine genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 29: 29-37.
- Wang, X. & Sæther. O. A. 1998. Qiniella, a new orthoclad genus from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Hydrobiologia 362: 103-106.
- Oyewo, E. A. & Sæther, O. A. 1998. Revision of Afrotropical Polypedilum Kieffer subgen. Uresipedilum Sasa et Kikuchi, 1995 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Annals de Limnologie 34: 315-362.
- Sæther, O. A. & Sundal, A. 1999. Cerobregma, a new subgenus of Polypedilum Kieffer. With a tentative phylogeny of subgenera and species groups within Polypedilum (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 71 (1998): 315-382.
- Sæther, O. A. & Ekrem, T. 1999. Molleriella, a new terrestrial orthoclad genus from the Netherlands (Diptera: Chironomidae) Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 45: 161-168.
- Kobayashi, T. & Sæther, O. A. 1999. Sasacricotopus, a new orthoclad genus from Japan (Diptera, Chironomidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 45: 155-159.
- Adam, J. I. and Sæther, O. A. 1999. Revision of the genus Nilothauma Kieffer, 1921 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 56: 1-107.
- Sæther, O. A. 2000. Phylogeny of the Culicomorpha (Diptera). Systematic Entomology 25: 223-234.
- Sæther, O. A., Ashe, P. & Murray, D. E. 2000. Family Chironomidae. Pp. 113-334 in: Papp, L. and Darvas, B. (eds): Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera (with special reference to the flies of economic importance). Vol. 4. Appendix A.6.- Science Herald, Budapest.
- Sæther, O. A. 2000. Zoogeographical patterns in the Chironomidae (Diptera). Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 27: 290-302.
- Sæther, O. A. 2000. Aagaardia, a new Holarctic orthoclad genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 22: 177-196.
- Sæther, O. A. 2000. Phylogeny of the subfamilies of Chironomidae (Diptera). Systematic Entomology 25: 393-403.
- Sæther, O. A. 2000. Kinesiske chironomiders biosystematikk. P. 26 in Bongard, T. (ed.): Biologisk mangfold – Dynamikk, trusler og forvaltning. NINA Temahefte 15, 32 pp.
- Adam, J. I. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. A new species of Paranilothauma from Costa Rica (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 19-23 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Bjørlo, A., Vårdal, H. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the subgenus Tripodura Townes of the genus Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 35-50 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Ekrem, T. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. Seppia, a new Afrotropical tanytarsine genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 79-87 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Hestenes, T. C. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. Three new Nearctic Thienemanniella species with a review of the Nearctic species. Pp. 103-127 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Kyerematen, R. K. A, Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2000 A review of the Rheotanytarsus pellucidus group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 147-181 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2000. Djalmabatista reidi (Freeman) comb. n. and Lepidopelopia annulator (Goetghebuer), two interesting macropelopine tanypods from Ghana (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 209-220 in: Hoffrichter, O. (ed.) Late 20th century research on Chironomidae. An anthology from 13th international symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Achen, 661 pp.
- Cranston, P. S., Sæther, O. A. & Cook, L. 2000. [3638] Molecular evidence supports, fails to refute, or provokes new morphological assessment in Chironomidae Diptera). Abstracts of the XXI International Congress of Entomology Book I: 919.
- Kyerematen, R. K. A. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. A review of Afrotropical Rheotanytarsus Thienemann et Bause (Diptera: Chironomidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 143: 27- 69.
- Kyerematen, R. K. A, Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 2000. A review of Oriental Rheotanytarsus Thienemann et Bause, with descriptions of some new species (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana 23/3: 225-258.
- Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 2000. First record of Paratrissocladius Zavrel from the Oriental region (Diptera: Chironomidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 143: 291-294.
- Sæther. O. A. 2001. Revision of the Nearctic species of the genus Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the subgenera P. Polypedilum) and P. (Uresipedilum) Oyewo and Sæther. David E. Maschwitz and Edwin F. Cook, ISBN 0-86727-130-2. Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, New Series Vol. 12, (3), 2000. 135 pp. Book Review. Journal of the. North American Benthological Society. 156-157.
- Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 2001. The larvae of Propsilocerus sinicus Sæther et Wang and P. paradoxus (Lundström) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 23: 141-145.
- Sæther, O. A. & Kyerematen, R. K. A. 2001. Towards phylogeny and zoogeography of the genus Rheotanytarsus Thienemann et Bause, 1913 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 144: 73-117.
- Wang, X & Sæther, O. A. 2001. Two new species of the orientalis group of Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) (Diptera: Chironomidae). Hydrobiologia 444: 237-240.
- Sæther, O.A. 2001. Sem. Chaoboridae (in Russian). Pp. 90-100 In: P.A. Ler (ed.) Opredelitel' nasekomyh Dal'nego vostoka Rossii. T.6. dvukrylye i blokhi. Ch. 2. (Keys to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. VI. Diptera and Siphonaptera. Pt.2)). Dal'nauka, Vladivostok.
- Wang, X., Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2002. Afrotropical Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Studia Dipterologica 8: 447-462.
- Wang, X. & O.A. Sæther. 2002. Hanocladius, a new orthoclad genus from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Hydrobiologia 468: 181-183.
- Vårdal, H, Bjørlo, A. & Sæther, O. A. 2002. Afrotropical Polypedilum Kieffer subgenus Tripodura Townes with a review of the subgenus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zoologica Scripta 31: 331-402.
- Wang, X. & O..A. Sæther. 2002. First Oriental record of the orthoclad genus Paralimnophyes Brundin with emendations to the diagnosis of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic insects 24: 325-329.
- Sæther, O. A. & L. C. Ferrington Jr. 2002. New combinations and synonyms in European Pseudosmittia Goetghebuer and related genera. Chironomus 15: 14-16.
- Sæther, O. A. 2002. New name for Thienemanniella similis Caspers & Reiss, 1989 not Malloch, 1915. Chironomus 15: 34.
- Sæther, O. A. 2002. Chaoboridae, phantom midges. In: Schwoerbel, J. et. al. (ed.) Süsswasserfauna von Mitteleuropa 21/10: 1-38.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2003. Redescription of Rhinocladius Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae), Zootaxa 217: 1-20.
- Sæther, O. A. & Ferrington, L. C. Jr. 2003. Nomenclature notes on some orthoclads (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 322: 1-7.
- Sæther, O. A. & T. Ekrem. 2003. Biogeography of Afrotropical Chironomidae. Cimbebasia 19: 175-191.
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. A review of Orthocladius subgen. Symposiocladius Cranston (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 25: 281-317.
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. Three new species of Orthocladius subgenus Eudactylocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Norway. Zootaxa 508: 1-12.
- Sæther, O. A. & Roque, F. O. 2004. New Neotropical species of Nandeva, with a phylogeny of the tribus Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 147: 63-80.
- Mendes, H., Andersen, T. & O. A. Sæther. 2004. New species of Ichthyocladius, a member of the Corynoneura-group (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae), with a review of the genus. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 39: 15-35.
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. Placing a hundred thousand species including 1202 chironomids on the internet. NIVA rep. SNO 4827-2004: 33.
- Mendes, H. F, Andersen, T. & Sæther O. A. 2004. A review of Antillocladius Sæther, 1981; Compterosmittia Sæther, 1981 and Litocladius new genus (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 594: 1-82.
- Stur, E & O. A. Sæther. 2004. A new hairy-winged Pseudorthocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Luxembourg. Aquatic Insects. 26: 79-83.
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. The chironomids described by Lundström (1918) from arctic Siberia (Diptera, Chironomidae) with a redescription of Derotanypus sibiricus (Kruglova & Chernovskii). Zootaxa 595:1-35.
- Sæther, O. A. & Spies, M. 2004. Family Chironomidae (Diptera) in
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. The female of Lopescladius Oliveira, 1967 (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Stud. Dipt. 11: 193-197.
- Spies, M. and Sæther, O. A. 2004. Notes and recommendations on taxonomy and nomenclature of Chironomidae (Diptera). Zootaxa 752: 1-90.
- Tang, H, Guo, Y., Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 2004.The pupa and larva of Propsilocerus taihuensis (Wen, Zhou & Rong)(Diptera: Chironomidae), with complete keys to all immatures of the genus Propsilocerus. Aquatic Insects 26: 265-272.\
- Sæther, O. A. 2004. The Chironomidae (Diptera) of the Seychelles. Annales de Limnologie 40: 285-308.
- Andersen, T. & Sæther, O. A. 2005. Onconeura, a new Neotropical orthoclad genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 957: 1-16.
- Sæther, O. A. 2005. A new subgenus and new species of Orthocladius van der Wulp, with a phylogenetic evaluation of the validity of the subgenera of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 974: 1-56. Plus errata sheet.
- Mendes, H., Sæther, O. A. & Andrade-Morraye, M. 2005. Gynocladius scalpellosus n. gen., n. sp. from Brazil (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 979: 1-12. Plus errata sheet
- Wang, X., Andersen T. & Sæther, O. A. 2006. Neotropical Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Studies on neotropical Fauna and Environment 41: 19-32.
- Sæther, O. A. 2006. Japanese Pseudosmittia Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 1198: 21-51.
- Zhang, R., Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 2006. Two unusual species of Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Oriental China. Zootaxa 1282: 39-48.
- Ferrington, L. C. jr. & Sæther, O. A. 2006. Rhagosmittia and Trondia, two a new genera of Orthocladiinae from the Oceania and Australia (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 28: 243-250.
- Sæther, O. A. 2006. Professor Trond Andersen 60 years. Chironomus 19: 4-7.
- Pakalniskis, S., Bernotiene, R., Lutinovas. E., Petrasionas, A., Podenas, S., Rimsaite, J. Sæther, O.A. & Spungis, V. 2006. Checklist of Lithuanian Diptera. New and rare for Lithuania insect species. Records and descriptions 18: 16-150.
- Przhiboro, A. & Sæther, O.A. 2007. Limnophyes (Diptera: Chironomidae) from northwestern Russia. Aquatic Insects 29: 49-58.
- Przhiboro, A. & Sæther, O.A. 2008. Orthocladius paratatricus Chernovskii, 1949 a synonym of Heterotrissocladius subpilosus (Kieffer, 1911). Zootaxa 1763: 38-40.
- Sæther, O. A. & Oyewo, E. A. 2008. Keys, phylogenies and biogeography of Polypedilum subgenus Uresipedilum Oyewo et Sæther (Diptera, Chironomidae). Zootaxa 1806: 1-34.
- Oyewo, E. A. & Sæther, O. A. 2008. Revision of Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) Kieffer and Ainuyusurika Sasa et Shrasaki (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 1953: 1-145.
- Yan, C, Sæther, O.A., Jin Z. & Wang X. 2008. Three new species of the Harnischia complex from the Sino-Indian Region, with a review of Demicryptochironomus Lenz (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 1968: 1–22.
- Sæther, O. A. 2009. Family Chironomidae. Pp. 69-84 in: Gerlach, J. (ed.): The Diptera of the Seychelles islands. Pensoft Series Faunistica 85. 431 pp.
- Sæther, O. A. 2009. Telmatogeton murrayi sp. n. from Iceland and T. japonicus Tokunaga from Madeira (Diptera, Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 31: 31-44.
- Sæther, O. A. 2009. Cryptochironomus Kieffer from Lake Winnipeg, Canada, with a review of Nearctic species (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2208: 1-24.
- Fu, Y., Sæther, O.A. & Wang, X. 2009. Corynoneura Winnertz from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 2287: 1-44.
- Fu, Y., Hestenes, T.C. & Sæther, O. A. 2010. Review of Afrotropical Thienemanniella Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 2338: 1- 22.
- Sæther, O.A. 2010. Cryptotendipes Lenz from Manitoba, Canada, with keys to known immatures of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2412: 1-20.
- Fu, Y., Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 2010. Thienemanniella Kieffer from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 2431: 1- 42.
- Andersen, T., Sæther, O. A. & Mendes, H. F. 2010. Neotropical Allocladius Kieffer, 1913 and Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2472: 1-77.
- Cranston, P.S. & Sæther, O.A. 2010. Australian Stictocladius Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae) diagnosed and described. Australian Journal of Entomology 49: 126-144.
- Sæther, O.A., Andersen, T., Pinho, L.C. & Mendes, H. F. 2010. The problems with Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae), with the description of Probolum subgen. n. Zootaxa 2497: 1-36.
- Sæther, O. A. 2010. Tavastia pilipecta sp. n. from Manitoba, Canada (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 32: 167-190.
- Przhiboro, A. A. & Sæther, O. A. 2010. Tvetenia vitracies (Sæther, 1969), a synonym of Tvetenia tshernovskii (Pankratova, 1968), comb. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2675: 57-64.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2010. Ferringtonia, a new orthoclad genus from Argentina (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pp. 311-333 in Ferrington, L. C. Jr. (ed.) Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Chironomidae. Chironomid Group, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
- Sæther, O. A. 2010. Procladius Skuse from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with keys to some females and immature stages of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2726: 34-58.
- Du, J., Wang, X. & Sæther, O. A. 2011. Redescriptions of species of Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae) described by Brundin (1947).
- Sæther, O. A. 2011. Glyptotendipes Kieffer and Demeijerea Kruseman from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with the description of four new species (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2760: 39-52.
- Sæther, O. A. & Spies, M. 2011. Family Chironomidae (Diptera),version 2.4. In (27 Jan 2011).
- Ferrington, L.C. Jr. & Sæther, O.A. 2011. A revision of the genera Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932, Allocladius Kieffer, 1913, and Hydrosmittia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 2849: 1-134. [print version can be ordered from Zootaxa].
- Du, J., Wang, X. & Sæther, O. 2011. Redescriptions of species of Bryophaenocladius Thienemann, 1934 (Diptera: Chironomidae) described by Brundin (1947). Zootaxa 2743: 40-48.
- Przhiboro, A. & Sæther, O. A. 2011. Littoral chironomid communities of two small lakes in northern Karelia (Russia) studied by emergence traps. Pp. 184-218 in: Wang, X. & Liu, W. Contemporary chironomid studies- Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China.
- Sæther, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2011. Chironomidae from Gough, Nightingale and Tristan da Cunha islands. Zootaxa 2915: 1-19.
- Sæther, O. A. & Langton, P. H. 2011. New Nearctic species of the Psectrocladius limbatellus group (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 33: 133-163.
- Yan, C., Sæther, O. A. & Wang, X. 2011. Saetheria Jackson from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 3040: 34-42.
- Sæther, O. A. 2011. Notes on Canadian Ablabesmyia Johannsen, with keys to known Nearctic immatures of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 3069: 43-62.
- Sæther, O. A. 2011. Notes on some tanypods from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba; Canada, (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 3069: 26-42.
- Andersen, T., Sæther, O. A. & Contreras-Ramos, A. 2011. New species and records of Nandeva Wiedenbrug, Reiss et Fittkau (Chironomidae: Chironominae). Zootaxa 3136: 45-60.
- Sæther, O. A. 2012. The Chironomus group (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lake Winnipeg, Canada. Zootaxa 3275: 1-19.
- Sæther, O. A. & Cranston, P.C. 2012. New World Stictocladius Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae). Neotropical Entomology 41: 124-149.
Page last edited: 15-Mar-2014 (EB)