Mentum Fig. c with generally sharp teeth; 4th laterals reduced to about level of 5th laterals (type II); c2 teeth reasonably well separated (type IIA), pointed, c1 tooth relatively broad with straight sides.
Ventromental plates Fig. d about 257.1 (212.5-277) µm wide and 3.7 (2.9-4.2) times wider than deep, 1.03 (0.88-1.1) time the mentum width; with about 45.8 (39-44) moderately spaced striae.
Pecten epipharyngis Fig. a with 15.1 (13-17) mostly broad teeth that were quite worn in the available specimens. Premandible with inner tooth usually coming to a relatively broad point and about 3-5 times wider than the outer tooth that comes to a fine point (ty. 2b).
Basal segment of antenna Fig. b relatively long and about 3-4 times longer than wide; RO from a quarter to almost half up from base of segment; AR about 2.34 (1.67-2.90); A2/A1 about 0.23; A2 less than width of A1; A5 almost as long as A3; antennal proportions (µm) 157 : 36 : 9 : 14 : 8.
Distance between the antennal bases (200.9 (157-230) µm) essentially about the same as that between the S4 setae (196.3 (170-207) µm) so that either can be greater on any particular larva. S5 setae abt. level with nearby RO or slightly posterior.
Mandible Fig. e with 3rd inner tooth pigmented and relatively well separated (type IIIB-C); about 18.1 (15-23) furrows on outer surface near base; 13.3 (10-16) taeniae in the Pecten mandibularis; Mdt-Mat 37.2 (25-40); MTR 0.36 (0.23-0.43).
Cytology: 3 polytene chromosomes with the modified pseudothummi arm combination AEG, BF, CD.
Arm G with a subterminal nucleolus followed by a large Balbiani ring, separated by about 12 bands; a further BR is involved in a polymorphic inversion.
Polymorphism in arms B, D and G-E. Chromosomes mapped on the Keyl 1962 system
occA1: 1a-e, 4c-a, 12a-c, 3i-f, 9 - 8a, 2d - 3b, 6c - 4d, 11 - 10a, 2c - 1f, 3e-c, 6d - 7, 13a - 19
occD1: 1 - 2c, 17c-a, 10c - 7c, 2f-h, 16 - 10d, 3 - 7b, 2ed, 17d - 24
occE1: approx 7 - 3f, 10c - 12, 10b - 8, 3e - 1, 13 3 inv. steps from australis A1
occF1: 1 - 2a, 10 - 2b, 11 - 23 as oppositus F1
Nucleoli and location of C-bands studied by Lentzios & Stocker (1979) and Lentzios et al. (1980).
Pupa: Dark, relatively large exuvia, shagreen pattern of dark spines on posterior 2/3 of segment II, extending to the whole length by segment V and bilobed in VII & VIII. In female exuvia there is a clear region in the midline of each segment, less obvious in males. Pedes spurii B well developed on segment II, but much less so on segment II; pedes spurii A well developed on segment IV, about 154-300 µm in length (the smallest figure is from a female), with spine patches on segments V-VII.
Respiratory base more or less oval, about 116-187 µm long, 38-68 µm wide, but base of filaments almost bilobed.
L-setae at anterior margin of intersegment of III/IV and IV/V quite long (up to about 140 µm), but those of IV/V probably the longer.
Some characters given in Table below: