Chironomus species 5j,

from BOLD Database

The current identity of this species is unknown - it may be one of the previously named Arctic species, of which there are a few possibilities.



Some characters of the adult males can be determined from a photograph in the BOLD Database:
Male:  The male of this species is very similar to that of C. sp. 5i (8TE), and the Norwegian specimen had been identified as that species.
Color dark brown, some pale brown on lateral thorax; haltere pale, abdomen also with a thin pale stripe at the posterior margin of segments II-VII, but base color not as dark; legs apparently pale, but with distinctly darkened knees, and tarsi becoming darker.

Adult male of C. sp.5j from Norway (BOLD Database)

AR about 3.
Wing length about 4.3 mm
Palps dark, approximate segment lengths (segs 2-5) (micron): 120 : 325 : 265 : 430.
Few leg measurements able to be made, but Hind LR abt 0.6 and F/T abt 0.88.

Pupa, Larva and Cytology:  Unknown.

Molecular sequence:
mtCOI: There is sequence in the BOLD Database.

Found: Yukon Territory - Lake Laberge (60.958°N, 135.184°W) (BOLD).

See also C. sp. 8TE

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Created: 7 September 2018
Access: Unrestricted
Copyright © 2018, Jon Martin.