Thorax of a yolky colour, dull with prctically no pruinosity; legs whitish, especially on tibiae, tarsal segments black at joints; abdomen without dark markings but quite strongly pruinose at incisures and on segments 5 and 7; anal point of male narrow in side view. The white legs with dark marked tarsi and the pale abdomen make this species easily recognized: the hypopygium is also characteristic. Wing length - 2.5-3.0 mm. Male. - Head, mouthparts, and antennae yellowish brown, plumes paler, frontal tubercles present, A.R. abot 4.5. Thorax a dull reddish yellow, yolky colour, very slightly pruinose near the front; sholders and immediate areas slightly tinged with greenish; dorsocentral bristles only present in in posterior half of thorax. Legs with femora very pale green, tibiae and tarsi whitish, the tarsi have definite black markings across the joints between segments; anterior tarsi not bearded, LR about 1.8. Wings pale, crossvein darkened. Abdomen yellowish green, lacking definite darkmarkings; incisures and segments 5 and 7 with quite strong pruinosity; hypopygium with anal point narrow at base, curved and finger-like in lateral aspect; appendage 2 (IVo) short and stout, styles broad at base and rather sharply narrowed at apex. Female. - Resembles male; sensory hairs on apical antennal segment longer than usual. Further information from a Paratype male from Mafulu, Papua New Guinea: Palpal proportions (segs 2-5 (µm)) 60 : 170 : 200 : 140 (shrivelled). Thoracic setae: 6-7 dorsocentral; prealar 4; others not evident. Leg lengths (micron) and proportions:
9 setae in individual pale spots on TIX. Setae on IVo simple. Superior volsella and Inferior volsella (left) and lateral view of anal point of paratype male of C. vitellinus Created: 31 October 2022 Access: Unrestricted Copyright © 2022, Jon Martin. |