Species 5a C. (Lobochironomus) storai, Goetghebuer, 1954

Einfeldia storai - Ashe & Cranston (1990)

This is BOLD Bin: BOLD:ADD2757.

This species has been reported from California by Deiner et al. (2013), with the note that the identification was confirmed from the mtCO1 sequence by comparison to two specimens from northern Finland and Sweden in the BOLD database from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
This means that C. storai is Holarctic in distribution at either high latitude or high elevations.
No morpholical information is available for the Californian specimens, so descriptions and cytology must be based on Palearctic material from Ryser et al. (1985) and Langton and Visser (2003).


AR 3.46-4.21, LR 1.44-1.64, BR 2.77-5.27.
Wing length 3.30-3.92 mm.
Thoracic setae – acrostichal 9-20; dorsolateral 21-36; prealar 6-9; supraalar 1-2; scutellar 39-64.
Abdomen - setae near middle of tergite IX - 2-17.  Superior Volsella bent almost at right angles.

Pupa:  (From Langton & Visser 2003)  Frontal tubercles conical 100-160 µm high, frontal setae 65 µm long.
Hook row of tergite II medial separated, with about 62-64 hooks.  Armament of segments II-VI in form of an undivided, usually extensive patch of strong points, which increase in size posteriorly.  Pedes spurii B of segment II conspicuous.  Caudolateral spur of segment VIII often with only one spine, but may be up to 4.
Anal fringe with about 82-100 taeniae.

Larva:  A plumosus-type larva, Lateral tubules about 150 µm (abt. half segment length), ventral tubules about equal length.  Head capsule pale.
Mentum appears to be of type 1A-B, with the c2 teeth little more than notches on the C1 tooth, 4th laterals not figured.
Pecten epipharyngis with about 14-23 teeth.
Antenna: RO about 0.24-0.41 up from base of A1; A2 about 0.33 of length of A1, length segments A1 and A2 (micron): 107 : 36.
Mandible with 3rd inner tooth dark.

Cytology:  Four polytene chromosomes with the thummi cytocomplex arm combination AB, CD, EF, G.
Centromeres obvious and heterochromatic on some chromosomes (CD and EF?).
Polymorphism of arm A found in one Swedish population.

Alpine lakes (littoral).

Molecular sequence:
mtCOI:  Sequence for specimens from Finland and Sweden is on BOLD, while the California sequence is in GenBank (accession number KF000109).

Found: California - Sequoia National Park, Sierra Nevada (Deiner et al. 2013)
            Finland: -Kuusamo kyrkoby; Isosuo (Type locality)

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Modified: 8 May 2018
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