Species 3l. C. decorus or riparius group

Larva a medium sized (about 13.5 - 15 mm) plumosus-type;  ventral tubules well developed, posterior pair longer (ant 1.68 - 1.72 mm; post 2.08 - 2.16 mm).  Anal tubules relatively long, with a slight constriction in the middle (abt 372 x 140 micron).  Gular region pale or only slightly darkened, frontoclypeus pale.
Mentum (Fig. c) of type I, and c2 teeth moderately seperated from the c1 tooth, i.e. type II, the whole central grouping possibly being lower than the arc of the other teeth; 4th laterals reduced almost to level of 5th latwerals.
Ventromentum (Fig. e) with about 41-42 striae.  Pecten epipharyngis (Fig. a) with about 15 broad teeth.
Antenna (Fig. b) with relatively long and narrow basal segment, about 3.5 - 4 times as long as wide; AR about 1.95 - 2.15; antennal segments 134 : 35 : 10 : 14 : 7 micron.
Mandible (Fig. d) of type III, with about 15-17 furrows (Fig. e) on the outer surface near the base.

Cytology:  4 polytene chromosomes with the pseudothummi arm combination AE, BF, CD, G.  All chromosomes closely paired.
Arm G with an almost terminal nucleolus, with 2 Balbiani rings approximately equally spaced in the other half of the length of the chromosome.  No nucleoli in other chromosomes.
Arm A1:   
Arm B1:    Bulb and some distal dark bands about 1/3 from end of arm.
Arm C1:
Arm D1:
Arm E1:    approx.  1 - 2e, 9a - 10b, 3a-e, 8 - 3f, 10c - 13            i.e as anonymus
Arm F1:

Found: Kansas - Mill Creek, near Craig, Johnson Co.

See also  C. sp. e,  C. sp. z,    C. sp. 2t.

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Modified: 28 December 2014
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Copyright © 2003-2014 Jon Martin.