Species 4c.C. atritibia Malloch, 1934.


A large dark species, legs brown, no beard on fore tarsi.
Male: Wing length about 5.2 mm; LR about 1.28, AR about 4.  Frontal tubercle large and clypeus very large and somewhat elongatelarge.

Drawn from type (Townes 1945)

From figure of hypopygium the following features can be noted:
About 6 setae near centre of tergite IX.
Anal point differs from C. cucini in being long and narrow.  Superior volsella closest to Strenzke's E(i) type.  Inferior volsella about as long as the anal point and to middle of gonostylus which is long and relatively narrow, narrowing on posterior quarter.

Pupa: Not known.

Larva: Wuelker and Butler (1983) state this species has a salinarius-type larva, quoting a Ph.D. thesis by M.G. Johnson (1969).

Cytology: not known.

Found: Manitoba - Lake Winnipeg (Sæther 2012).
            Nunavut (formerly North West Territories) - Southampton Island, Keewatin (type locality).

Adult described by Malloch (1934).  Note that most specimens recorded by Townes (1945), except the type, are probably C. cucini.  Townes (1945) notes that the adult should also be compared with C. biseta and C. hyperboreus.

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Modified: 17 May 2021
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Copyright © 2000-2021, Jon Martin.